Our Services
Advanced Energy ManagementCustomer interest in environmental initiatives and reliability has led to the development of numerous individualized generation and conservation resources. Regulators at the state and federal level are eager to introduce these resources into energy markets, providing efficiency, resilience, and other benefits to all consumers on the electric grid. Electric Advisors Consulting can assist a customer in evaluating on-site energy options and once deployed, assist them in maximizing the value of those resources.
Advanced Energy Management Services

Optimizing Energy Technology Benefits
Advanced energy management today utilizes resources such as:
- On-site storage: Where lack of any service interruption is critical, battery backup systems can provide instant access to power during outages.
- Demand response: Customers with the ability to conserve power during times of peak demand can realize significant cost savings.
- Distributed energy resources: Onsite sources of generation such as solar panels and backup generators an ensure that energy needs are met while optimizing costs.
Electric Advisors Consulting can evaluate resource options and opportunities; project market returns from energy resources and collaborate with resource providers to optimize a customer’s energy operations. When these tools are properly implemented, customers can often sell excess energy back to the grid, without disruption of daily operations.
Advanced energy management allows consumers of electricity to fundamentally take charge of their electricity costs and reliability. Regulators around the country are moving quickly to allow more of these resources into wholesale energy markets. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) recently required grid operators to incorporate storage devices into the wholesale energy markets. In short order, FERC is expected to issue a similar order, but include all distributed energy resources.
Electric Advisors Consulting can assist your business in taking full competitive advantage of these rapidly evolving energy industry technologies.